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Ice (Elite Forces #1) Page 14


  I pull in the drive and text Harris that I'm here. He's at the door before I finish the text, probably wondering who the hell is driving up this late at night. It's black out here with only a sliver of the moon shining in the cloudy sky.

  I've had a long day and am looking forward to hitting a bed somewhere with Jade in my arms.

  “She's in bed already. You want to have a beer with me out on the back porch?” he offers, and I decide to accept. This man is extremely good at what he does and for that I have to respect him.

  He hands me the beer, and we both sit on a wooden deck with a fire pit burning. I can only imagine the conversations that could happen at a setup like this. “I received a call today that you'd be talking to me. I can only assume you want me on a mission.”

  “Yes. That's right. You and Jade both. It's in Mexico. A terrorist we’ve been after for years. You'd have to take a temporary walk until we got back. Going AWOL was mentioned.” I can feel the heat of his anger over the blaring fire. He’s pissed about going AWOL, and I don’t blame the man at all.

  “You expect me to literally walk away from everything I've worked my life for to work on your team. When I honestly have thought of exactly how I'd kill you if you hurt Jade.”

  “That is actually how I know you're perfect. You and I may not agree on everything, but we both want her safe.”

  “I'm not too sure I'd consider putting her on a mission like this as keeping her safe. It's actually more of a death mission, if you ask me.”

  “It's a dangerous mission I know she can handle, just as we both can. My team of men will also do great in Mexico.”

  “But I have to walk away from the Army to help you. Why would I ever do that?”

  “To keep your country safe. To take down one of the most disgusting human beings on the planet. To walk beside Jade, because you know she'll be in.”

  “Good points. Can I have your word that we’re good? I can't worry about my fucking back out there.”

  “I'd never take a personal issue on a mission. We have an understanding as far as I'm concerned. You know Jade is mine, and I'll understand that you have a spot in her life that won't cross any lines.”

  “She made it very clear today that she's worried about trying this with you, but also talked about how she hopes you two can coexist out here.” Well fuck, next to hearing her finally admit she wants to see what we can build together, that’s the best goddamn news I’ve heard.

  “I can understand that. It's chaos for a person to come and go in the military. We may both eventually go separate ways, but it doesn't hurt to make the best of the time we have together now. However, I’m not planning on going anywhere. I care about her, I really do.”

  “I agree. And for what it’s worth, I believe you.” I don’t respond to that. In fact, the silence becomes lighter as we both take big swigs of our beers. He tosses the cap into the fire, and I watch the flame as he continues to talk.

  “The next few days will be mission-free. I want zero agendas. I want no schedule, and I plan to take each moment for what it is. I need relaxation, and this looks like it will be all I have before I walk away from my career to help you.”

  “This wouldn't be happening if you weren't the best.” That’s the fucking truth. Harris and I may have started out on opposite sides, but this man knows his shit. And he’ll respect the boundaries. He’s proven that. I respect the man more for having this talk with me and for not being afraid to tell me how he feels.

  “I know.” I stand. I need to go to bed, and it's time to hold my girl. My girl. I really like the sound of that.

  “She's down the hall, second door on the right.”

  “Good night, Harris.” I pick up my bag as I pass back through the main entry and open the door to her room quietly. There's a dim nightlight, allowing me to see her on the bed. I move slowly, trying hard not to wake her. Slipping off my shoes and jeans, I finish dropping all of my clothes on my side of the bed. Right before I reach for the covers, she begins to stir.

  Her movements become faster and her moans louder. It's as if she's saying ‘no’ over and over. I know better than to climb in bed with a soldier during a nightmare, so I sit on the edge of the bed and try talking to her. She doesn't snap out of it and only becomes louder. Her face is scrunched up, and I reach to touch her head in hopes of pulling her out of it. She screams just as I touch her. Her eyes fly open, and she jumps up from her sleeping position and punches the fuck out of my back.

  I stand, knowing I'm fucked because I'm butt-ass naked, praying she doesn't attack again. The door flies open, and Harris is standing in the doorway, while I'm holding my dick behind my hands. This isn't exactly how I thought this night would go.



  My heart is racing and my adrenaline is pumped. I'm ready to kill anyone in my path as I unleash hell on my attackers. I can hear Kaleb talking in the background, and I know if I can get through this, he’ll be here soon.

  All of a sudden, a loud slam of the door pulls me from my apparent nightmare. I come to and see Kaleb standing naked with Harris in the room. “What the fuck did I miss?” My voice is panicky.

  “You were having a nightmare,” Kaleb says. His tone is worried. My body is covered in sweat, and I stand on the bed just to regain my composure of where I even am. It takes me a few moments to remember I'm at Harris’ ranch and that Kaleb is here. Shit, that sounds like a real fucking nightmare. Not to mention that Kaleb is naked.

  “Why aren't you wearing clothes?”

  “Because I was climbing into bed with you when you started hollering. You were having a nightmare, and I value my dick enough to not go near you when you're not clear.” Harris chuckles from the doorway. That shit isn’t funny.

  “Jade, I'm out. See you in the morning.” Harris closes the door, and I close my eyes at the absurdity of this entire situation, trying to calm my beating heart.

  He's still standing with both hands covering himself. My eyes travel across his chest, and I finally lie back and pat the bed next to me. He looks at me with a little uncertainty before he exposes himself to me and moves the covers to get in beside me. Damn, he’s hot, even all disheveled-looking and worried.

  “I sleep naked in the States,” he admits.

  “Of course you do.” I may have had a nightmare, but I’m sure as hell alert now. Especially with him standing there gloriously naked.

  “What were you dreaming about?”

  “I can't remember.” I truly don't remember. I've had a bad dream every night; half I remember, the other half I just wake up from with my body covered in sweat.

  He slides in and drapes his arm over me before he moves even closer. I feel disgusting and quickly move to take a shower.

  “I'm covered in sweat. I'm going to shower. I didn't think you'd be here until tomorrow.”

  “I decided to take the trip tonight.” He watches me as I cross the room and move into the bathroom.

  “You can join me if you feel like it!” I yell at him from the bathroom after I start the water. The shower is big enough for both of us, and if I have my way, we’ll put it to great use.

  He's coming through the door before I can pull my shirt off. I knew he would. If there’s one thing I can say about our relationship, it’s that our sexual chemistry toward one another topples anything I’ve experienced before. Hell, we could set a room on fire just by looking at each other.

  “You sure about this, Jade? My intentions tonight were to hold you while you slept. After walking in and witnessing your nightmare—” I cut him off right there.

  “I’m going to have nightmares, Kaleb. I’d give anything not to have them, but trust me, please, when I tell you I’m dealing. You know me well enough by now I hope to know that if I didn’t want you in this shower with me, I would tell you. Besides, if all you do in here is hold me, then that’s enough.” My back is to him when I speak. I adjust the water in this huge walk-in shower.

bsp; I do turn around while I pull my tank top over my head, then I slip out of my boy shorts and walk to stand directly in front of him. Our bodies are so close, and I hunger for him to touch me.

  “You’ll get through it. I want you to know I’m here if you want to talk.” The last thing on my mind right now is to talk. My fingers caress over his inked, tanned, toned skin.

  “Someday I want you to tell me if these all have special meanings to you.” I lean in and kiss the skull tattoo in the middle of his chest; it’s surrounded by a set of wings so intricately designed.

  “Anything you want, Jade.” His eyes capture mine, his muscles flex under my touch. His cock presses against my stomach. My pussy clenches at the thought of how he feels. He has no idea, but he’s exactly what I need right now. I need to feel cherished and wanted.

  “Get your ass in that shower before I bend you over this sink and fuck your sweet ass again.” Well damn, I was beginning to wonder when dominating Kaleb was going to come out and play.

  “Yes, Sir.” I smirk and drop my hands from his chest, then spin around and step into the shower, stifling back the laugh when he hisses loudly.

  I lean my head back and let the hot water cascade down my back. I close my eyes briefly then snap them open when I feel him in front of me. His hands skim across my nipples, causing them to peak and scream for his attention. When he takes one in his mouth, I moan. The way he works my body sends shivers down my spine in spite of the fact we’re standing in a scorching hot shower. His hand flicks and toys with one nipple, while his mouth nips at the other. “God, Kaleb.” I arch into him, begging for more. He changes positions, working the other breast with his mouth, while his other hand plays with the one his mouth left. Before I can speak, I’m being hoisted up, my legs wrapped around his waist, as he steps backwards and sits on the long marbled seat. His cock is so close to where I need him to be. Where I am now beginning to believe he was meant to be.

  “Ride me, baby. Wrap me in your sweetness. Take what belongs to you.” His voice is gruff and full of desire.

  His hands move up and down my inner thighs to the round curve of my ass, pressing his long erection into my core. The urge to have his mouth on mine while I sink down on him drives me to nip at his bottom lip. I’m desperate to let him hear what he does to me through our mouths when we connect.

  When my tongue sweeps across his, our mouths open up. I lift my hips and trace my finger up the length of his cock, then grip him firmly in my hands, placing him where I want him. My greedy pussy opens up as he stretches me wide, while I moan my pleasure into his mouth, tasting his animalistic growl. God, he consumes me and fills me completely. My hands go to his head, and his hands stay on my hips, gliding me up and down so that I feel every inch of him.

  Between the flush from the steam coming from the shower and my sexual desire to fulfill us both, I feel like I might melt into the damn floor at any minute.

  “Fuck. You feel so good. You have no idea what you do to me. Watching you take what you want. Riding my cock. The fucked look of your wet hair and the beautiful glisten of your skin have me so hard I’ve got your tight pussy gripping my cock like it’s so damn thirsty.” His words undo me. I press him back until his head lies against the tiled wall. I ride him until my legs sting. I say his name every time he hits the spot that tempts to send me over the edge. He knows I’m close. So is he.

  His lids hood over his eyes, and he lifts me, placing me up against the opposite side of the spray. He slams into me and fucks me hard. I can feel his cock pulsing and my heart screaming with the urgent need to tell him how much I want him. I need to feel the way he makes me feel; instead, I holler out his name when I feel him release inside of me. His warmth then sends me over the edge. My fingers burn from gripping his shoulders as we both come so hard our breathing is out of control.

  “I’m glad you're here,” I speak honestly after he pulls out of me and turns me around to stand under the hot spray. “Me too. Even though I have no fucking clue what the hell to do on a ranch.”

  “Me either, but getting away and spending time together is what we need. There are so many things I’m dying to know about you,” I say as I reach for the soap and start to run it across his chest. I continue to clean his body from head to toe while sorting out in my head about where to start with my questions. I want to know everything about him. Our relationship started as backwards as one can get. It’s time to move forward. I want to know the real Kaleb Maverick. What makes him tick? What are his likes and dislikes? What all his job entails. Everything.

  “There’s not much to me, Jade. What you see is what you get.” He spreads his arms out wide.

  “There’s a lot of you to see. I want to know what’s in here and here.” I point to his head and his heart.

  “Jade Elliott seems to be consuming both of those at the moment.” He takes the soap from my hands. He returns the favor by running it carefully over my skin.

  “I love that I’m there, Maverick, but tomorrow morning I want to know all about you.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” My brows lift at those two words.

  “Are we switching roles here? No more demanding Kaleb?” I tease, knowing damn well what his answer will be.

  “Fuck, no. If I tell you to call me’ Sir’, you’ll do it.” I laugh and catch myself smiling long after his words.

  “My hair is going to look like a frazzled mess when we get up.” After drying it with a towel, brushing it out, and then putting it on top of my head in messy twist, it’s going to be a nightmare. I grab my shorts and tank off of the floor, only to have them yanked out of my hands and tossed into the bedroom.

  “I don’t give a shit what your hair looks like, and as cute as those little items you were sleeping in are, when you sleep next to me, your fine ass is naked. Got me?” He grips my hips and starts walking us into the bedroom, while my arm flings out and catches the light switch.

  “No. I don’t get you. I don’t mind sleeping naked, especially next to you. I can grab this anytime I want.” I reach around and wrap my hand around his cock.

  “Exactly my point, Jade. Now climb your ass in bed. You need rest.” I won’t argue with him there. I climb in, the sheets cool against my skin. Kaleb wastes no time tucking me into his side. Swinging my leg over his, I curl my arm around his waist.

  “Sleep, Jade. Tomorrow we’ll talk.” I close my eyes. Even though I slept soundly and peacefully in my bed at my parents’ house, sleeping next to Kaleb is undoubtedly the best night’s sleep I’ve had in months.


  “So let me get this straight. You left that fine piece of ass in bed to sit out here with me and have coffee? Did you fall and smack your head?” Mal reaches over, digging her fingers into my knotted-up hair.

  “Quit it, you ass. And no. My head is fine. I agreed to sit out here to watch the sunrise with you and talk without any interruptions. So ask me. I know you're dying to know about him.” I nudge her shoulder. We’ve been up for about a half hour. Last night was wonderful, getting settled in, but Mal and I really haven’t had the chance to talk. She only knows what she overheard before we left. After Harris showed us around, he made a fire. We sat around and most of the conversation was directed around his ranch. I see why he loves to come here. Mal ate it up. Well, more like ate him up with her eyes. I’ll definitely be touching on that subject.

  “Well, where should I start? How about this. When and how long have you been fucking him?”

  “A few weeks.” I shrug. That was not what I expected, hell I’m not sure what I expected her to ask.

  “You can’t tell me shit. Can you?” She laughs.

  “I can and I can’t. I care about him. Everything else is complicated. You have to trust me, I guess. Trust that I’m following my heart for once, Mallory.” It’s the truth. I thought long and hard on the ride here yesterday. He means more to me than I was willing to admit. My mind was so consumed with what happened to me that I was willing to push him away, when in reality I need h
im. Not to help me continue to deal with the things I have no control over, but to make me feel for the first time in my life. To feel wanted, needed, and cherished. The way he held me all night meant just as much to me as the way he gave me space for a few days even though he really didn’t want to; and the way he gave up everything without hesitation when I asked him to come here with me for the weekend. I’d be a fool to not see where we can go from here.

  “Well, I’m happy for you. You deserve it, you know. Happiness and all.” She takes a sip of her coffee.

  “So do you. I saw the way you watched Harris’ ass every time he stood up to poke the fire. I know how your mind works.” I laugh freely, breathing in the fresh country air.

  “Even a blind woman would want to be poked by him. Jesus. Have you looked at his ass?” I have. Time to change the subject. I’m thankful yet again nothing happened between the two of us. Whatever did happen, she doesn’t mention it. What we do talk about is the visit with my parents. The dinner we have planned for the following weekend and my visit to see my brother’s grave. I have no guilt left, no shame for what I did to save the man I feel I’m falling in love with and the rest of my team. The truth bears weight that if I hadn’t shot that young boy, I wouldn’t be sitting here with my best friend, I wouldn’t be with the man who, yes, I need in my life. The possibility of him not being a part of my life now is undeniably not an option. I’m falling for the first time in my life, and god help me, I believe he will be there to catch me.

  “Jesus Christ, that shit stinks. I could literally throw up my breakfast you gentlemen made for us this morning. That is nasty,” Mallory hollers the minute we walk into the stables toward the horses. I have my shit kickers on, but I sure as hell am not shoveling shit. Thank god he was only joking about it.

  His ranch is huge. He has workers who take care of his horses and their breeding. I’m more excited about riding one. And she’s right about the smell being bad.